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The RP Moodley School has a full time Physiotherapist and Physiotherapy Assistant who service
the needs of the disabled pupils of the school. Pupils are seen individually or in groups.
Our physiotherapy service includes a screening process at our intake meeting of prospective
admissions, a detailed assessment once admitted and the implementation of a therapy programme
as required thereafter.
Therapy is predominantly rehabilitative and frequently includes tone building programmes, fitness
and agility programmes, the neuro-developmental therapy approach for cerebral palsy and related
conditions, a movement approach to help autistic and related conditions and hydrotherapy to enhance
the above. Our facilities are adequate to handle any acute therapy requirement that arises. Each child
will have short term and long-term goals. Our therapists usually refer pupils for orthopaedic intervention
in terms of surgenry or appliances. Adaptive seating in classes and on wheelchairs and assistance with
any adaptation to alleviate the disability of our pupils is an important part of the service we provide.
In the physiotherapy component of the school, we constantly update and upgrade the service and
equipment present by attending numerous continuous education workshops and courses to provide the
highest level of therapy to our pupils.