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Foundation Phase

Foundation Phase Programme offered at R. P. Moodley School

Children Learn What They Live
By Dorothy Law Nolte

 If children live with criticism,
               They learn to condemn.
          If children live with hostility,
               They learn to fight.
          If children live with ridicule,
               They learn to be shy.
          If children live with shame,
               They learn to feel guilty.
          If children live with encouragement,
               They learn confidence.
          If children live with tolerance,
               They learn to be patient.
          If children live with praise,
               They learn to appreciate.
          If children live with acceptance,
               They learn to love.
          If children live with approval,
               They learn to like themselves.
          If children live with honesty,
               They learn truthfulness.
          If children live with security,
               They learn to have faith in themselves and others.
          If children live with friendliness,
               They learn the world is a nice place in which to live.

 R. P. Moodley School is a holistic educational environment. No book learning is able to match the dynamism and accessibility of hands on experience, so experiential learning is an integral aspect of our educational philosophy. Visits to the aquarium, the beach, the animal farm and the numerous other field trips we have undertaken, serve to enrich the lives of our learners and provide invaluable kinesthetic and visual experiences and incomparable teachable opportunities.  Our world maybe fast becoming cyber, technological and intrepid but we recognize that children are individuals who are guided, steered, motivated and molded in the early years.


 Our admission of learners at an early age recognizes the value that early educational intervention can have for our children’s future.


The Foundation Phase comprises six units of 55 learners from ages 5 to 9 years of mixed abilities, with the exception of one homogenous group of autistic learners. Highly competent and caring teachers and a teacher’s aide are responsible for the programme implementation while learners who present more severe management challenges attend school with private caregivers.


At R. P. Moodley School our staff has the opportunity to work with individuals who are unique and creative; who possess amazing talents and rare abilities not encountered in the mainstream classroom. Teamwork is thus encouraged and implemented in the form of cross-curricular learning programmes.  Members of staff have been trained in internationally recognized methods many of which are innovative to neuro-typically-developed learners in South Africa. More recently, educators were provided training in programmes such as the Treatment and Education of Autistic and related Communication handicapped Children (TEACCH) and Makaton (a multi modal communication programme for people with severe communication and learning disabilities). Our industrious and imaginative teachers restructure their classrooms, creating specific work stations (defined areas for each task such as individual work, group activities, and play) which cater for the uniqueness of the individuals with whom they work. Visual schedules created from objects, pictures and/or words facilitate transitions and a better understanding of their environment and the world.