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Principals Message
Mr Nelson Mandela, in his autobiography "Long walk to Freedom" said: "I have walked that long road to freedom, I have tried not to falter; I have made missteps along the way. but I have discovered that after climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb. I have taken a moment to rest, to look back at the distance I have come, but I can rest only for a moment and I dare not linger, for my walk is not yet ended..........."
I am certainly proud of my association with the school from its brave beginnings. I watched in awe as the school grew in stature as an educational institutional and establish itself in its current prestigious position as leader in the field. As a centre of learning, the school is tasked with the onerous responsibility of empowering our youth with both an academic as well as a life skills programme. Character traits such as confidence, initiative and trustworthiness introduced and nurtured at a school level bodes well for the creation of a holistically equipped learner to meet the challenges of life. The attainment of such traits by children with special educational needs demand more from the learning institution as well as the staff. The school's management team, the dedicated men and women who comprise the staff, the committed learners, supportive parents, passionate members of the public work in harmony towards the attainment of the school's noble mission and vision. I am particularly excited about our outreach programme that has made the RP Moodley School the vibrant hub of community life of Reservoir Hills, such that the schools facilities are maximally and optimally used not only during the school day but after hours to benefit the community. I must add a note of acknowledgement to the inspirational leadership of the members of the Governing Body, which helps galvanise the energy of the various elements of teaching and learning towards the desired outcomes. RPMS has made a difference to many children and families over the years. I trust that more dreams will be realised and many more lives will be enriched in the years ahead