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Occupational Therapist



The RP Moodley School has two full time occupational therapists and one OT Assistant.


Occupational therapy intervention begins with an assessment utilising standardised tests, clinical observations, parent and teacher checklists and rating scales.  A therapy programme for each learner is then developed and therapy commences with learners receiving small group therapy.  Once a learner reaches a plateau in therapy, the focus is shifted to classroom and teacher intervention in order to maintain the goals achieved.


Occupational therapy also involves working within the multi-disciplinary team in order to set common goals for learners, develop programmes and assist with classroom intervention strategies including those for behaviour modification.


Junior and intermediate learners are involved in programmes aimed at improving:

  • Sensory integration
  • Fine and Gross Motor Co-ordination
  • Perceptual Skills
  • Behaviour Modification Techniques
  • Prescription and Manufacturing of assistive devices eg. eating devices, physical adaptations, seating and environmental adaptations
  • Practical work skills (craftwork, gardening, beadwork, basic computer skills)


Senior learners are involved in prevocational skills and occupational therapy is done to augment this programme.  The OT Programme involves:

  • Visits to the Challenge Workshop to prepare learners that may be placed in protected employment post schooling
  • Work Skills Preparation (improving work habits, punctuality, responsibility, neatness, accuracy, completion of tasks, following of instructions and social skills)
  • Learners are also prepared and assessed for placement at Thekweni College, Cator Manor Campus Special Needs inclusive programme)


Occupational therapy encompasses the holisitic development of learners at our school and regular team work and parent meetings facilitates this development.