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Intermediary Phase



The intermediate phase aims to deliver a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum to the learner.  Learners in this phase belong to the age group ranging from 10 – 14 years.  Factors taken into consideration when placing learners into class groups are the learner’s age, disability, ability and interest.


Presently, there are four intermediate groups all of which follow a functional programme that incorporates social interactive behaviour, language and communication, imagination and thinking development, numeracy, daily living and independent skills, vocational skills, motor movement and leisure activities.  We try to engage eventS the most severely disabled child by providing varied opportunities for the learner to experience the joy of creativity and self expression.


As learners vary with regard to their experience of educational barriers, an Indivualised Educational and Development Programme (IEDP) forms the backbone of curriculum delivery.  This programme is drafted in collaboration with a team comprising of the class teacher, class assistant, parents, occupational therapist, speech therapist, physiotherapist, Heads of Departments, professional nurse and other relevant persons who interact with the learner.  The emphasis is on a child-centered educational approach and the programme is therefore highly structured.  The TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and related communication handicapped children), PECS (Picture Exchange Communication) has been implemented in the phase.  The use of Makaton (pictures and symbols) has been introduced to non-verbal learners to facilitate communication.


Through age relevant social stories, the child’s imagination is captured and it serves to improve the child’s vocabulary, use of language and general knowledge.  Through role-play, positive behaviour is reinforced.  Since children excel when they are self confident, every achievement, however small, is commended by the teacher to boost the child’s confidence and self image.


Every learner is unique and is regarded as an individual and with the assistance and support of the trans-professional team an attempt is made to afford every learner the opportunity to develop, not only in a specific area but as a whole person, thus making the learner a content individual.  Learners thrive in a safe and stimulating environment.